
Our Wedding Day

The day our adventure became official.


Welcome to our travel-blog where we’ll document our exploits related to travel, food, and adventure. Have a nice visit. Stay for awhile. And then come back again & again!

Journal Entry: What was my life like before I met Julia? Full of adventure, yes! But there was something missing.

Journal Entry: What was my life like before I met Julia? Full of adventure, yes! But there was something missing.

What does a fellow do after surviving a heart attack and heart break?

The answer to that question is multi-faceted and complex. You …

  • Re-discover travel — Going on long walks and solo hikes in the backcountry. You go sailing with an old Army buddy. You find again that sense of adventure that once fueled you.

  • Read — Focusing on books you’ve been wanting to read but hadn’t yet gotten around to. Or you pick up books that have meant something to you to get grounded again.

  • Re-Tool — Going back to school to prepare for a new job and new direction in your career.

  • Write — Posting to a journal or to Facebook. You discover Instagram. You publish that book you’ve been working on for the past ten years.

  • Re-Connect — Visiting with family & friends. Sometimes calling them up or you surprise them.

  • Buy a cabin in the woods — Chopping and splitting a lot of wood to heat and re-heat your soul.

Then a good friend told me of his positive experience with on-line dating. So I signed up, created a profile, and started to look for someone who shared my values and had a love of the outdoors.

Julia’s profile showed her hiking and scuba-diving and mentioned that she lived her life guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Hmmm … The rest of this story has yet to be written but here we are drafting Our Adventure Book.

The Mountains are calling and I must go. — John Muir

... Or is it “we must go”?
Baseball, Beer, and BBQ

Baseball, Beer, and BBQ